About The Ultimate Neutrino Page

General info
These pages were originally created by
Juha Peltoniemi.
Now the pages are maintained by Juho Sarkamo so if you have corrections or
additions, please send mail to the new
Everyone interested in neutrinos is welcome to visit these pages,
irrespective of nationality, academic status, age, sex, race,
religion or operating system.
HTML features
These pages have been written to comply with
HTML 4.0 specification. They use CSS1 style sheet,
although this feature is not necessary for getting
the essential information. The pages are also
compatible with HTML 3.2, but HTML 2.0 is
not supported.
Virtually no formulas or equations are shown, and many symbols
are shown in brutal forms. This is because HTML not yet has
any viable way to display mathemathics and scientific symbols.
This will probably remain so for a very long time, since the W3C
team apparently has no plan to fix this in the near future. Their
proposal for MathML is rather an obstacle for any serious
(Anyone seen a browser supporting MathML?)
The data pages contain some figures in gif form. They are not required
to view the pages correctly, but the contain some additional information.
Since loading them may take time, you may consider setting load figures off,
if it takes untolerably long time.
The theoretical tools use two different techniques: the
Masstoy is a Java Applet, written using Java 1.1 specifiaction
and compiled with JDK 1.1.6 for OS/2. You need a Java enabled browser and enough power.
More info in its documentation.
The Automatic Model Builder, instead, is
a Java servlet, so all you need is a web browser that understands forms.
Using the neutrino data page
The neutrino data page is not designed for learning the basics, you are supposed
to know something about neutrinos before coming here.
The data are given without explanation, in official or conventional units.
The results of different experiment are not always compatible
with each others. You are adviced to learn the details and the
interpratation in the original works.
You may refer to the neutrino data page by its
URL http://cupp.oulu.fi/neutrino/
but remember to refer to the original works
in scientific publications.
- (Spring 1996) The development started.
- (June 1996) The data are updated to
the results reported at Neutrino 96 at Helsinki.
- (Sep-1996) Some errors corrected.
- (28-Oct-1996)
The reference engine
taken in test use.
- (1-Oct-1996)
New appearance
- (18-Feb-1997)
The reference engine
officially inaugurated.
- (19-Feb-1997) Data updated.
- (11-Mar-1997)
Hardware and software completely renewed. (PP180 with OS/2 Warp 4).
- (20-Mar-1997) New URL:
- (27-Apr-1997) first results of SuperKamiokande
- (1-Apr-1997) A mass toy introcuced - test use only.
- (24-Aug-1997)
Automatic Model Builder is accessible for test use
- (26-Oct-1997) The neutrino world map
- (1-Dec-1997) Honorary mention in the competition of teaching technology at the University of Helsinki.
- (3-Dec-1997) Added links to "Appendix".
- (30-Dec-1997) Support for HTML 4.0 and CSS1. (Warning: HTML 4.0 and CSS1 are not yet supported
by many browsers. At least Linux and Windows versions of Netscape Navigator 4 may produce
unexpected though not dangerous results because of bugs in the programs.)
- (31-Dec-1997) The Ultimate Neutrino Page has been visited more than 5000 times!
- (8-Jan-1998) The Reference Engine and
Automatic Model Builder rewritten as Java servlets.
- (June 1998) The data has been updated up to the results presented in
Neutrino 98.
See also my comments on the results.
- (7-July-1998) The Photo Gallery opened!
- (1-Jan-1999) More thant 10 000 visitors during year 1998.
- (27-Jan-1999) New server.
- (22-Mar-1999) Virtual Neutrino Network proposed.
- (5-May-1999) Consolidation prize at III Pirelli Internetional Award.
- (26-May-1999) Some updates, particularly at the user interface.
- (26-October-1999) Moved to Oulu, minor updates of data and links
- ...
- (10-April-2003) After a few years of disintegration
the pages are finally upgraded. Cross section information added.
This service is permanently under construction.
More dynamical documents and java applets are being developed.
The reference engine
The reference engine is now up and running.
When you click the value on the data shell you may get
the reference, and, perhaps also the link
the paper appearing somewhere in the web.
Not all values are yet given the correct reference,
but the work is going on.
If the reference is not given, it is understood that
the result is taken from one of the most
recent publications of the respective group,
or some recent appearing in conferences.
Tehcnically, the reference engine is a java servlet
that takes an internal search key as an argument
and returns a web page with the given reference
included. The references are stored in a
database, in the usual bibtex form, (so that
I can use the same database for many purposes).
Actually, you can call the reference engine independently,
just open the URL
where key
is the search key.
Typically its format consists of the author name,
year and a letter, for example
. However, in
many cases the keys are quite random, so you
have to guess to get the right one.
Join the Team?
If you are interesting in participating in developing the
Ultimate Neutrino Pages
contact webmaster
contact Juha Peltoniemi.
Good knowledge on
internet, html, Java and neutrino physics is useful.
Particularly, we need collaborators for writing applets
that visualize different aspects of neutrino physics.
So far no money is being offered, but good
prospects for the future instead.
Legal stuff
Most of the material here is copyright by us or somebody else.
Nevertheless, you are granted the right to download,
view, and copy to your hard disk all the files except those
that are copyright of somebody else. For such files you
have to ask the permission from the copyright owner,
whoever it is.
Quoting this material in other media is allowed,
in the usual sense of fair use, when
the source is given, and it is not done out of context.
Printing and photocopying the pages is allowed for
academic and educational purposes. Distributing the
pages in printed or electronic form is allowed only
when no charge is taken, except media cost.
Especially, you may use the machine generated numerical and graphical
results in your scientific works, with the above conditions.
Downloading, disassembling and modifying the codes for the applets
is allowed for personal use. Distributing the modified code is not
allowed without the permission from the author.
Adding a link to these pages is allowed and encouraged.
You are encouraged, but not obliged to inform the webmaster of that.
We take no liability on the accuracy of the data presented
in these pages.
These pages express the views and opinions of their authors only.
Neither the University of Oulu nor any other authority takes
any responsibility of the contents.
Some questions to and answers from Peltoniemi
- Why did you start this?
For years I was keeping paper notes about the most important results
of neutrino physics. It was just a help for myself, since I am not very
good in remembering numbers. However, it was not always so easy to
update notes written with a pen on a paper, so I decided to do it on
a computer. As that time WWW was developing rapidly, and I got
soon enthusiastic about it, I decided to write the notes as HTML
documents, and put it available in the web, in case somebody else would
find it useful. Quite soon it turned out that ohter colleagues indeed
found it useful, and they encouraged me to expand it and add more
results. You see now the results.
- My results are not included in your page. What should I do?
Send webmaster a note informing about your results.
Consider also sending me a hardcopy of your report.
- I have made a new fit to the recent data, how can
I distribute quickly the results?
- Put it on the web, and let me know the link, or
send the results to me, and I will add them here, with
a proper reference to you.
- How can I send data to you?
- The best way is to have it available in your www or ftp
server, and send me a note giving instructions how to retrieve it.
The next best way is to send it to me by mail, in uuencoded form
or attachment.
I can convert virtually all graphic formats.
- I have built up a neutrino related homepage, could it be
possible to have a link to it?
- Sure, just
send webmaster a note that contains your URL.
- I do not like you to use my data/figure/plot in your page,
can you remove it?
- If you insist, We can drop it. Just
send webmaster a note .
- May I set up a local mirror of your page?
- Yes you can, if the long distance traffic is intolerably slow.
Remember, however, that this page is changing continuously, so
do not store old data. I would also like to know the access data.
- I am going to organize a workshop. How can I have the
new results to appear in your pages as quickly as possible?
- Invite me to your workshop.
- I would like to have a commercial advertisement in your
page, how much should I pay?
- Forget it, you do not have that much money.
In developing these pages we have got plenty of useful advice, suggestions
and encouragement
from numerous friends and collegues all over the world. They are too many to be listed here,
and we are afraid to leave somebody out, so we want to thank all of them
22 May 1999 by Juha Peltoniemi
Updated 11 April 2003 by