General information

City of Oulu

Oulu is a modern university town of 120,000 inhabitants. It is located by the Gulf of Bothnia in northern Finland. Oulu is considered as one of the northern Europe's most significant centres of competences. A significant amount of high technology ability has been concentrated in the area.

The season in Oulu during the conference is early summer with temperatures around 16 degrees centigrade (= 60 F). Probability of a rainy day is around 30 percent. At early June the sun rises before 3.00 a.m. and sets after 0.00 a.m. Time zone in Finland during summer is +3 GMT (= +2 GMT +1 hour for daylight saving time).

For a schematic map of Oulu click here.

More info is on the city of Oulu website.

Travel information

The Oulu Airport is located some 15 kilometers away from the center of Oulu. Flights from and to the airport are mainly domestic so participators coming abroad are likely to fly via the Helsinki Airport. Flight scheludes can be found at the Finnair website. There is also a flight connection from Stockholm (Sweden) to Oulu. For flight schedules go to Air Botnia website or straight to timetables.

Other means of transportation can also be used to get to Oulu. There are good railway connections from southern Finland to Oulu. To look at the train schedules click here (VR timetables).
Please note: the train timetables change throughout the country on 2nd of June. Check also the new timetables from the VR-website.

Other information

General tourist information about Finland can be found at Travel Guide to Finland. Wide variety of information is also located at the Virtual Finland web site.

General facts about Finland can also be found at the CIA's World Fact Book.

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