Other anomalous results from laboratory experiments

Contains only results not included in the other pages.

Description Location Purpose Year Observation Status Explanation
17 keV neutrino Guelph, Oxford, Los Alamos neutrino mass/beta decay 85-91 kink in electron spectrum solved Multiple scattering effects
Bugey France neutrino oscillation search 81-84 signals of oscillation clarified instrumental effect
KARMEN Rutherford, England neutrino oscillation search 1993-2000 kink in time distribution
112 ± 32 excessive events at 3.6 ± 0.25 µ s
disappeared statistical fluctuation?
LSND Los Alamos neutrino scattering from nuclei 93- cross section of muon neutrino from carbon too low by several sigmas unsolved? something wrong with nuclear models?
Double vertices Fermilab high energy scattering 92 two close neutrino-like events disappeared misinterpretation
    double beta decay 75 hint for 40 eV Majorana mass disappeared  
Zaragoza   double beta decay 90-? kink in final state spectrum disappeared statistical fluke
Troitsk Russia neutrino mass 94-97 a kink in electron spectrum cleared miscalculations
NuTeV Fermilab USA neutrino scattering
from nucleus
96-97 Weinberg angle result
off by three sigmas
from the standard model
unsolved? ?
  • The last entry, 'explanation', refers to the solution of a resolved problem, or solutions suggested to an open problem by the experimentalists themselves or other scientists. Statistical fluctuation and experimental error are not listed for unsolved problems unless they are very evident.
  • Only some results with interest to neutrino physicists are listed.
  • Do not understand this so as the experimentalists were generally sloppy. Most of the experiments done today are extremely complicated, and the interpretation of the results may be ambiguous. To get some new information the physicists must run their experiments at the edge of the sensitivity which opens the possibilities for misinterpretations. Note also that with the number of experiments done today, some of them are very likely to be off by several standard deviations. The Particle Data Group has estimated that of the data they collect they expect every year a few measurements to be as far as four standard deviations wrong, just by statistics.

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Last modified 17.1.2003 (webmaster)