The Globe and Neutrino OscillationsThis page includes a sample of neutrino oscillation probabilites for different baselines in the Earth. The page requires java script enabled at your browser to work. The following calculations assume a spherically symmetrical Earth with radius 6368 km and a density profile acquired from the PREM -model. It is assumed that the neutrino source is at 0 degrees of latitude and 0 degrees longitude and that the detector is at 0 degrees of latitude and (long.) degrees of longitude, both on the surface of Earth. The columns are as follows:
delta m212 = +7e-5 sin22t12 = 0.87 sin22t23 = 1.0 sin22t13 = 0.1 delta = 0 By rolling the mouse over the 'X's the oscillation probability vs. E -plot changes correspondingly. The x-axis is the neutrino energy (from 500 MeV to 30 GeV) and y-axis is the oscillation probability. Clicking the 'X' returns the page to the picture. Clicking the distances will open a new window with a plot of the potential profile (in electron volts) as a function of the distance (in meters) for the corresponding baseline.
For any comments, email Juho Sarkamo.
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